The Historical Background and Importance of the 1615 Irish Articles

Extract from The Historical Background and Importance of the 1615 Irish Articles – To read the full text, click “Download” below. The Westminster Assembly of 1643 48f was commissioned by an Act of the English Parliament. It was designed for the political and religious benefit of the entire British Isles. Representatives were invited also from Colonial […]

The Holy Spirit and the Calvinistic Westminster Confession

Extract from The Holy Spirit and the Calvinistic Westminster Confession – To read the full text, click “Download” below. After the ‘Theologian of the Holy Spirit,’ John Calvin (1509-64), his views were enshrined especially in the 1647 Westminster Confession of the British Puritans. The Spirit-drenched Westminster Confession of Faith (2:1) insists that “there is but […]

The Godly Life of John Calvin

Extract from The Godly Life of John Calvin – To read the full work, click “Download” below. The Protestant Reformation had not yet begun.   Yet the Dark Ages of many centuries of ignorance were about to end.   For the art of printing had recently been invented.   So the available number of Bibles was now steadily […]

The Covenantal Home Life of Reverend Matthew Henry

Extract from The Covenantal Home Life of Reverend Matthew Henry – To read the full text, click “Download” below. What is by far the most beloved and widely read Bible Commentary ever published?  Without doubt, it is that of Rev. Matthew Henry (1662-1714).

The Baptism of John and the Fiery Believer Apollos

The Baptism of John and the Fiery Believer Apollos (Excerpt from Lee’s M.Div. thesis Baptism Does Not Cleanse!) – To read the full excerpt, click “Download” below. Not just Paul but also Apollos soon became an important leader in the Corinthian Church.  Earlier, Apollos the eloquent Alexandrian had listened to Aquila and Priscilla privately explaining […]

Sprinkling is Scriptural:  A Reply to the Baptist Adamthwaite’s “Baptism is Immersion!”

Extract from Sprinkling is Scriptural:  A Reply to the Baptist Adamthwaite’s “Baptism is Immersion!” – To read the full text, click “Download” below. “Baptism is Immersion!” Such is the triumphant title of a recent archaeological article. It appeared from the hand of the noted Australian Baptist, Murray Adamthwaite. That article has now gone forth into […]

6th Century Christian Britain from King Arthur to Rome’s Austin

Excerpt from 6th Century Christian Britain from King Arthur to Rome’s Austin – To read the full text, click “Download” below. There can be little doubt, … that the heroic exploits of Britain’s Christian King Arthur — the great hero of the Celto-Brythons — completely overshadows the ferocious advances made against his countrymen by the […]

See Scripture Straight – not from the Loony Left, nor from the Romish Right

Extract from See Scripture Straight – not from the Loony Left, nor from the Romish Right – To read the full text, click “Download” below. No earlier than about A.D. 64, Peter’s Second Epistle (1:16-21) insists: “We have not followed cunning-devised fables!   We made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus […]

Lee’s Review of Rushdoony’s Institutes of Biblical Law

Lee on Rousas John Rushdoony’s The Institutes of Biblical Law – To read the full review published in the Presbyterian Journal (Feb. 5, 1975), click “Download” below. This latest book by one of America’s most prolific Calvinist writers is not only the fruit of years of painstaking research and the crowning glory and logical capstone […]