Rev. Dr. John Owen Re-Presbyterianized

Opening comments from Rev. Dr. John Owen Re-Presbyterianized – To read the full text, click “Download” below. The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate that Britain’s great Puritan Theologian, Rev. Dr. John Owen, was essentially not a Congregationalist but a Presbyterian. He first pastored a Presbyterian Church. On his deathbed, he re-affirmed Presbyterianism.

Rev. Dr. Andrew Murray: Calvinist or Pentecostalist?

Extract from Rev. Dr. Andrew Murray: Calvinist or Pentecostalist? – To read the full text, click “Download” below. Was Rev. Dr. Andrew Murray — South Africa’s best-known man of God — a consistent Calvinist? Or was he an incipient Pentecostalist? Murray was fully committed to the Classic Calvinist doctrine of imputed justification as contained in […]

Revealed to Babies: Jesus On Saving Faith in Pre-baptized Covenantal Babies (2nd ed.)

Excerpt from Revealed to Babies: Jesus On Saving Faith in Pre-baptized Covenantal Babies (2nd ed.) – To read the full text, click “Download” below. “Babies cannot believe!”   Thus say many Arminian Baptist Christians.   However, they forget that covenantal children are said to be holy from their very conception onward.   Indeed, thus says the Lord!   First […]

Rebaptism Impossible!  (Acts 18-19 Excerpt)

Extract from Rebaptism Impossible!  (Acts 18-19 Excerpt) – To read the extended text, click “Download” below. Apollos was never rebaptized.  He was mighty in the Scriptures and knew much about the baptism of John — even before his arrival in Ephesus.  We are told he there received further instruction in the Christian way — yet […]

Quarterly Communion at Annual Seasons (5th ed.)

Extract from Quarterly Communion at Annual Seasons (5th ed.) – To read the full text, click “Download” below. It is our thesis below that the four Seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter) and the human Feasts in which we are to thank the Triune God for them, are Creation Ordinances.   They were re-affirmed after the […]

Quarterly Communion at Biblical Seasons Annually (2001 ed.)

Extract from Quarterly Communion at Biblical Seasons Annually (2001 ed.) – To read the full text, click “Download” below. ‘Seasonal Communion’ three or four times a year best harmonizes with the totality of Biblical teaching. Indeed, on the very first page of the Holy Bible, Gen. 1:14’s “seasons” or moo’a:diym are not just climatic — […]

Sprinkling is Scriptural:  Presbyterian Baptism in Noah’s Flood

Extract from Sprinkling is Scriptural:  Presbyterian Baptism in Noah’s Flood – To read the full text, click “Download” below. It is interesting to see how the Neo-Catastrophist Henry Morris perceived Noah’s Flood — through his own spectacles of baptistic immersionism.   There, he forgot it was only the unbaptized wicked who were totally submersed  – and […]

Peter: No Pope, or Pentecostalist, but Protestant!

Excerpt from Peter: No Pope, or Pentecostalist, but Protestant! – To read the full text, click “Download” below. After Christ’s ascension into Heaven, the Apostle Peter addressed the Disciples.   He told them: “Men and brethren, this Scripture must needs have been fulfilled which the Holy Ghost spoke before by the mouth of David — concerning […]

Paedocommunionism Versus Protestantism (Why Baptized Children Need Catechizing Before First Communing Not Prior To Puberty)

Excerpt from Preface to Paedocommunionism Versus Protestantism (Why Baptized Children Need Catechizing Before First Communing Not Prior To Puberty) – To read the full text, click “Download” below. Ancient Paedocommunionism was conceived in Paganism.   Only later did it infiltrate into the Early-Medieval Church.   It did so, through the magical syncretism between the Eastern Rites and […]