The Works of

Rev. Prof. Dr. F.N. Lee

8 July

Don’t withhold correction, if you would save from Hell!

Proverbs 23:13-14

‘Withhold not correction from the child! For if you beat him with the rod, he shall not die! You shall beat him with the rod — and shall deliver his soul from Hell! My son, if your heart be wise — my heart shall rejoice!… Be in the fear of the Lord, all the day long! For surely, there is an end! And your expectation shall not be cut off!’ Proverbs 23:13-18.

Don’t withhold correction — for though you beat your child with the rod, he shall not die! ‘Chasten your son while there is hope, and don’t let your soul spare him or cause him to die!’ (Proverbs 19:18).

‘Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him!’ (Proverbs 22:15). ‘If you beat him with the rod…, you shall deliver his soul from Hell!’ (Proverbs 23:14). ‘Remove sorrow!… Put away evil!… For childhood and youth — are vanity!’ (Ecclesiastes 11:10).

Corrective discipline, exercised with understand and not vigorously or with excessive strictness, is necessary for a child. By this way of immediate rectification, he shall be preserved from decline and extermination as the unavoidable consequences of a life of selfish disobedience and self-will.

‘Hell’ is used here, to indicate that to which a life of vice leads. Chastisement would improve those evil tendencies. It would be good, if all parents had the interest in the discipline of their children — which Manoah had (Judges 13:3-14)!

Chastening with the rod, especially with the rod of God’s Word, is one of the ways to make one’s son wise — to teach him to flee to God’s Wisdom the Lord Jesus Christ! And then, the parent’s heart shall indeed rejoice!

‘My son…, be in the fear of the Lord — all the day long!’ (Proverbs 12:15-17). Fear the Lord! We may in these words directed by a father to his son, observe the desire of our God and Father that His children should walk in truth. It is indeed a great privilege to be able to give joy to His heart, by rejoicing when our own son’s ‘lips speak right things’ (Proverbs 23:16)!

‘My son…, surely there is an end’ – or reward (Proverbs 12:15-18). Yes, surely! And that ‘end’ is the reward and sure hope of everlasting life! ‘Thoughts of peace and not of evil…, give you a latter end and hope’ (Jeremiah 29:11) — as indeed was and is to be expected!

Truly, there is an afterlife! For the time shall come, in which present relationships shall be changed — and righteousness shall conquer. Then, he who has lived in sincerity and in the fear of God — shall be rewarded (Matthew 5:10-12)!

So, parents — don’t withhold correcting your child, if you would save him from Hell!