The Works of

Rev. Prof. Dr. F.N. Lee

25 December

Eternal life which God Who cannot lie has promised!

Titus 1:2

‘Paul, a servant of God…according to the faith of God’s elect…, in hope of eternal life which God Who cannot lie promised before the world began!’ Titus 1:1-2.

Calvin comments: “If anyone had doubts about his Apostleship, he (Paul) gives very strong reason to believe in it — by connecting it with the salvation of God’s elect. As if he had said: ‘There is a mutual relationship between my Apostleship and the faith of God’s elect, so that nobody can reject it without being a reprobate and a stranger from the true faith.’ By the ‘elect’ — he means not only those who were alive at that time, but all that had been — from the beginning of the world…..

“(Paul writes to those who have) ‘the hope of eternal life (which God Who cannot lie promised before the world began)’…. Meditation on the life of Heaven, is the beginning both of true religion and of desire for godliness…. Sadducees and those who confine our hope to this world…., can only produce contempt for God — while they reduce men to the level of animals….

“It should always be the aim of a good teacher, to turn men away from the world — (so) that they may look up into Heaven…. Men never truly seek God, till they have confidence to approach Him…. They never apply their minds to godliness, till they have been instructed in the hope of a life in Heaven.

‘Which God promised’…before eternal times…. ‘Eternal’…mean(s)…time that goes beyond all antiquity…. Before the foundation of the world, God determined to give the salvation which He has now manifested through the Gospel…. Eternal life was promised to men many long ages ago — and not only to those who were alive at that time, but for our own age also. It was not for Abraham’s benefit alone that God said ‘In your seed shall all nations be blessed!’ (Genesis 22:18)…. He had in view all who lived after him….

“The Greek word aioon means the uninterrupted succession of time from the beginning to the end of the world…. Paul is saying that salvation was given or ordained to God’s elect, before the passage of time began…. Many ages have passed, since salvation was first promised…. The act of giving salvation, is put before all ages…from the foundation of the world…..

“‘(Which God) Who cannot lie (promised before the world began)!’ The adjective apseudees (Who cannot lie), is added not merely to glorify God — but more to confirm our faith. Whenever the subject of our salvation is dealt with, we should remember that it is founded on the Word of Him Who cannot deceive or lie. Indeed, the only foundation of all religion — is the unchangeable truth
of God!”

Calvin also says in his Institutes III:2:12: “Accordingly, Paul claims faith as the peculiar privilege of the elect. Intimating that many (being non-elect) — from being not properly rooted — fall away (Titus 1:1).

Do you have eternal life which God Who cannot lie has promised? Do you?