The Works of

Rev. Prof. Dr. F.N. Lee

30 October

Paul was prepared even to die, for the name of Jesus!

Acts 21:10-14

‘There came…a certain Prophet named Agabus…. He took Paul’s girdle and bound his own hands and feet and said…: “So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that owns this girdle, and shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles!”… When we heard these things…, we…besought him not to go up to Jerusalem! Then Paul answered…: “I am ready not only to be bound but also to die at Jerusalem, for the name of the Lord Jesus!” And when he would not be persuaded, we ceased — saying: “The will of the Lord be done!”‘ Acts 21:10-14.

Calvin comments: “We must see why the threatening persecution was made known…by Agabus…. Paul…had already been given more than enough warning…. This confirmation was added for the sake of others, because the Lord wished to make His servant’s bonds famous everywhere…so that they might learn that God had appointed him a champion to fight for the Gospel. It was surely a useful example of invincible steadfastness when, knowingly and willingly, he offered himself to the violence of his enemies…

“‘(So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind) the man that owns this girdle!’ It was common for the Prophets to give a symbolic demonstration of what they were saying…. The same Spirit Who made symbols suit His words, used to touch the hearts of the godly within…. Agabus does not present a spectacle in silence, but links it with the Word, by which he taught the faithful….

“‘Both we and other besought him (not to go up to Jerusalem)!’…. Since those holy men knew that much depended on the life or death of one man, they did not wish him to be exposed to danger rashly…. Their devotion is praiseworthy, because by keeping Paul back — they wished to have regard to the common safety of the Church….

“But on the other hand, Paul’s determination deserves all the more praise, when he continues inflexible in the calling of God…. He was well aware…how much distress could result from his bonds. But yet, because he knows the will of God which was the one and only rule in making up his mind — in order to follow it, he regards everything else as of no importance…. It is surely right for us to be so fixed to the will of God, that no advantage and no reason of any kind may shift us from simple obedience to Him!…

“The tears of the godly were wounding his heart. But that tenderness did not turn him aside. For he continued to follow God…. Paul once again declares that it is only by contempt of death, that the servants of Christ will be prepared to discharge their duty…. Only those who will freely lay down their own lives as a testimony of the truth, will ever properly be disposed to live for the Lord!…

“‘We acquiesced’…. If they had thought that in this way he was rushing to his death heedlessly, they would not have acquiesced like this…. They give in, so as not to resist the Holy Spirit by Whom they understood that Paul was directed…. All our feelings must be held in check by this bridle!”

Paul was prepared even to die, for the name of Jesus! Are we too?