Genesis 50:22-26
‘Joseph dwelt in Egypt…, and lived 110 years…. Then Joseph said to his brothers: “I die! But God will surely…bring you out of this land — to the land which He swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob!” So Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying: “God will surely visit you, and you shall carry up my bones from here!” So Joseph died…. And they embalmed him, and he was put in a coffin.’
Genesis 50:22-26.
Calvin commented: “Moses relates how long Joseph lived…. The time shows the more clearly his unfailing constancy…. He gradually took his leave of the treasures of the court…, lest earthly dignity should separate him from the Kingdom of God….
“He now counts it necessary to…wean his own sons from the hope of succeeding to his worldly rank…. Joseph, during sixty years, employed all his efforts to bring himself and his children into a state of submission — lest his earthly greatness should alienate them from the little flock of the Lord…. Being stripped of their old age, they may gather new strength! In a numerous offspring, during his own life, the Lord afforded him (Joseph) some taste of His benediction. From which he might conceive the hope of future deliverance….
“It is uncertain whether Joseph died the first, or the last, of the brethren. Or whether a part of them survived him…. Certain of the chiefs of each family were called at his command…. The other Patriarchs also gave the same command respecting themselves — since the bones of them all were in like manner conveyed into the land of Canaan. Yet special mention is made of Joseph alone….
“‘I die!’ This expression had the force of a command to his (Joseph’s) brethren, to be of good courage after his death — because the truth of God is immortal…. He does not wish them to depend upon his life, or that of another man…. He would have them patiently to rest, till the suitable time should arrive. But whence had he this great certainty, that he should be a witness and a surety of future redemption — except from his having been so taught by his father?….
“What God pronounces through men, He seals on our hearts by His Spirit…. This restraint is put upon the rash curiosity of those men who, eagerly desiring ‘visions’ — despise the ordinary Ministry of the Church…. If they would reflect how gloriously He once descended to us in the Person of His only-begotten Son — they would not so importunately desire that Heaven should daily
be opened unto them!….
“‘God will surely visit you!’ (– said Joseph)…. Joseph does not cease to fix the eyes of his mind on God…. The design of this anxious choice of his sepulchre…was a seal of redemption…. He immediately adjures his brethren to carry away his bones…. By the death of men, the eternal covenant in which Joseph commands his posterity safely to rest, had by no means become extinct!”
In his Institutes II:10:14, Calvin added: “Joseph wished that his bones should some ages later, long after they had mouldered into dust, be carried thither (Genesis 50:25) — to Canaan!