The Works of

Rev. Prof. Dr. F.N. Lee

27 June

The labour of the righteous keeps on tending to life!

Proverbs 10:16

‘The wise in heart, will receive Commandments! But a prating fool, shall fall! He that walks uprightly, walks surely! But he that perverts his ways, shall become known!… A prating fool, shall fall!… The mouth of a righteous man, is a well of life…. (The wicked’s) hatred stirs up strifes; but love covers all sins! On the lips of him that has understanding, Wisdom is found!… Wise men lay up knowledge!… The labour of the righteous keeps on tending to life!’ Proverbs 10:8-16.

‘The wise in heart’ — means those who have received Christ the Wisdom of God in their hearts. After this occurs, they gladly shall and will receive His Commandments and keep His Decalogue.

On the other hand, those wise in heart may indeed patiently listen to the ravings of a ‘prating fool’ who goes on talking and talking but not acting well. However, that prating fool — shall fall!

For the wise doesn’t just talk. He particularly walks the walk. ‘He that walks uprightly, walks surely.’ He moves on, with sure confidence and deliberation.

However, the wicked prating fool perverts his ways. An evil man who persists in his evil course, will twist up his own ways more and more. Eventually, he shall come to grief — and his folly ‘shall be known.’ And then, the wicked shall smart for it (Proverbs 2:12-15).

For the ‘prating fool shall fall’ (Proverbs 10:8). The wicked, who are all talk, fall. And they fall forever – into utter darkness.

On the other hand, the less loquacious ‘mouth of a righteous man is a well of life’ (Proverbs 10:11). He thinks carefully before he speaks at all, so that all his words manifest well-considered and deep thoughts. Indeed, his ‘mouth’ then becomes a ‘well of life’ not only to himself but also to all careful listeners.

However, ‘violence covers the mouth of the wicked.’ Hatred stirs up contentions. For when he talks loquaciously, the wicked’s ‘hatred stirs up strifes’ (Proverbs 10:12a).

The righteous talks far less, but first thinks much more deeply – and then speaks lovingly. For ‘love covers all sins’ (Proverbs 10:12b).

Calvin says in his Institutes III:4:31,36 that “David…, when upbraided by Nathan the Prophet for adultery and murder, receives pardon…. ‘Love covers all sins!’ (Proverbs 10:12)… Here, after his manner, he (Solomon) contrasts the evils produced by hatred — with the fruits of charity…. Not that one approves the vices of the other, but tolerates and cures by admonishing” – and indeed, by admonishing with only a few words; and not by wickedly burbling on endlessly!

For the righteous doesn’t talk endlessly. But his ‘labour…keeps on tending to life’ (10:17)! Is that also your desire?