Extract from The Congruency of ‘Johannine’ and Christ-ian Baptism – To read the rest of the text, click “Download” below.
Rev. Dr. James Buchanan was sometime Professor of Systematic Theology at the Free Church College in Scotland’s Edinburgh. In his famous book The Office and Work of the Holy Spirit, he states: “There are many passages in the Old Testament (Psalm 35 & 102:13-22) which are beautifully descriptive of the Spirit-ual revivals which occurred from time to time under the Jewish dispensation.”
We should consider also those Older Testament passages which actually predict the much greater “Spirit-ual revivals” which would start on the Newer Testament’s first Pentecost Sunday after Calvary. For it was then that the ‘Pentecost predictions’ of Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Psalms, Proverbs, Hosea, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Zechariah (etc.) — and especially Joel -were all fulfilled.