The Works of

Rev. Prof. Dr. F.N. Lee

16 October

The only Saviour and Healer — crucified and resurrected!

Acts 4:8-12

‘Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them (Israel’s priests, rulers, elders and scribes):…”Be it known unto you all, and to the whole people of Israel, that…Jesus Christ…Whom you crucified…, God raised from the dead!… This is the Stone Who was set at nought by you ‘builders’ — Who has become the Cornerhead! Neither is there salvation in anyone else! For there is no other name under Heaven given among men, by Whom we must be saved!”‘ Acts 4:1-12.

Calvin comments: “Peter did not make such a superb utterance by himself…. He…, before such an assembly…, (was) upheld by the power of the Spirit…come forth from the Holy Spirit…. We are taught to seek from the Lord when we make profession of our faith, the Spirit of fortitude…. The fullness of the Spirit, denotes a full and exceptional measure!…

“‘Be it known unto you (that…Jesus Christ…whom you crucified, Whom God raised from the dead…, is the Stone…Who has become the Cornerhead)!’… Peter…testifies that Christ is alive, because God raised Him from the dead even when they had crucified Him!… ‘He is the Stone!’… He quotes the passage in Psalm 118:22, where David complained that He would be rejected by the leaders of the people, but yet boasts that He was chosen by God to have the chief place…. He compares the Church…to a building. He calls those who hold the reins of government, the ‘master builders.’ And he names [Christ] Himself the principal Stone on Whom the whole weight of the building rests. That is what is meant by ‘the Cornerhead’….

“Peter was therefore quite in order, in citing this passage in his speech to the Jews as a prediction of Christ — since they were well aware that it properly referred to Him…. It is evident that the Stone Who was rejected by the ‘master builders’ — was placed by the hand of God in the most important position to support the whole house!… As the leaders…are called ‘master builders’ — the name itself reminds them of their duty. Let them give themselves therefore wholly to the building of the temple of God!… Let them observe what is the correct method of building aright — which is to keep Christ as the Foundation!…

“This fact…ought to encourage us, when we see…those…who have the most exalted offices wickedly rebel against Christ to cast Him forth…. We need not hesitate to grant Christ the honour which God gives to Him…. Let it follow as the fruit of this confidence, that we be valiant and fearless in maintaining the Kingdom of Christ!… ‘In None Other is there salvation!’…. Christ had offered this single indication of His grace, so that He might be recognized to be the only Author of life…. He is the Source of salvation…. By His resurrection, He has purchased for us eternal life!”

Calvin also says in his Institutes II:16:1: “We must in Him seek…salvation…. As we are taught by the celebrated words of Peter: ‘Neither is there salvation in any other. For there in no other name under Heaven…, by which we must be saved!’ (Acts 4:12).” Calvin also says in his Treatises III:123. “There is no other salvation in the Christian Church, than through the grace of Christ. And there never was any other! (Acts 4:12).”

For Christ is the only Saviour and Healer — crucified and resurrected! For you too?