* Let each congregation in the world-wide Church of our Lord Jesus Christ — regardless of denominational affiliation — pray on, regularly, for Holy Ghost revival! Cf. Ps. 85:4-6.
* Let each set aside at least every evening between the next anniversaries of Ascension Day and the Day of Pentecost, for ten days of Whitsuntide Harvest Meetings! Cf. Acts 1:4,9,14ff.
* Let this be done every year from now on, till the end of world history. May it then continue, until Jesus comes on the clouds just as He went: on Ascension Day itself! Acts 1:11.
* Let also the Theological Halls and Seminaries help take the lead — in assisting to plan such Pentecost Prayer Meetings! Cf. Ex. 19:1ff; 23:19; 24:1-14.