* Let folks prepare for these ‘Harvest Feast’ Meetings, many weeks ahead — starting right after Easter! Cf. Lev. 23:5-22.
* Let all members of the congregation — including the children! — attend these ten days of special meetings. Cf. Neh. 8:2ff & Acts 2:17ff. Let them expect God to revive them. Cf. Acts 1:4 -2:1f!
* Let them not — any more than they expect a re-incarnation of Jesus at Christmastimes! — expect an impossible repetition of the unique phenomena of Pentecost Sunday itself. Acts 2:2-11. However, let them indeed expect — yes, expect! — a great advance in their own permanent holiness before the Lord, during and after those days of prayer and supplication. Acts 1:8-14 cf. II Cor. 3:18.