The Works of

Rev. Prof. Dr. F.N. Lee

An Abridgement of Dr. N. Lee’s Holy Harvests

For Jesus the Saviour of the world has come already; indeed, He was then anointed King; so even now, He reigns! Isa. 11:2,9ff –cf. Luke 3:21ff & 4:14-21. Indeed, “the Spirit of the Lord shall remain[!] upon Him — the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might…. For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord — as the waters cover the sea…. He shall stand up as an ensign of the people! For Him shall the nations seek; and His rest shall be glorious!”

The prophet Habakkuk — 2:4,14,20 & 3:2 — also gives us the same blessed assurance: “The just[ified] shall keep on living by faith.” For ultimately, even “the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.” Meanwhile, especially since Pentecost Sunday, “the Lord is in His holy temple” — alias His Spirit-indwelt Christian Church! Therefore, “let all the earth be silent before Him!” However, before this occurs, His Spirit-grieving Church first needs to be stirred up to repentance! Accordingly, “in the midst of the years — revive Thy work, O Lord!”

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