Biblical Presbyterian Eldership

Extract from Biblical Presbyterian Eldership – To read the full work, click “Download” below. There is no more important officer in the Christian Church — – than the Elder.  Whatever else Preachers and even Patriarchs and Apostles may be, -they are basically “Elders” too.   One of the very words for “Elder” —  Presbuteros in the […]

Biblical Presbyterian Presbyteries

Extract from Biblical Presbyterian Presbyteries – To read the full text, click “Download” below. Presbyterian government is ecclesiastical rule by mature Presbyteries of Presbyters or Elders — in and from Presbyteries responsible for associated Sessions confederately constitutive of Synods or General Assemblies.   As to its inception, Presbyterian government is not just apostolic but also primordial […]

Biblical Predictions Not Preterist But Historicist

Extract from Biblical Predictions Not Preterist But Historicist – To read the full text, click “Download” below. Preterism falsely teaches that all or most of the predictions in Holy Scripture were fulfilled in the same generation or lifetime of those to whom they were first announced. And futurism falsely teaches that all or most of […]

Biblical Ministries for Women

Extract from Biblical Ministries for Women.  To read the full work, click “Download” below. Every truly Christian person was anointed and appointed and called to the general ministry or office of all believers at his or her baptism… By virtue of this general ministry, all Christians are to be Christ’s prophets and priests and kings […]

Biblical, Irish and British Roots of 1861-1865 Confederacy

Extract from this work – To read the full text, click “Download” below. In 1861, the Southern Confederacy sought to re-establish the besieged American Union. It did so, by re-affirming and strengthening the 1787 U.S. Constitution. For that been abandoned, more and more, by the U.S. Federal Government. In 1787, the thirteen original American States […]

Biblical Church Government

Overview – To read the full work (Parts 1-5), click “Download” below. This writing originated from much study of the Reformed Religion. The very first article, What is Church Office?, was submitted to the Presbyterian Church in America’s General Assembly Committee to Study Church Office. The second article Overture to the Fifth General Assembly of […]

Bible and Qur’an: The Reliability of the Original Bible and the Original Qur’an

Extract from Bible and Qur’an:  The Reliability of the Original Bible and the Original Qur’an.  Please note:  This text is an excerpt from the more comprehensive five-part work Muhammad in the Bible, also available on this website.  To continue reading this excerpt, click “Download” below. Islam’s Great Prophet Muhammad’s highly-literate wife Khadiya’s sectarian Christian cousin […]

Be Faithful Unto Death to the God of Your Baptism

Extract from Be Faithful Unto Death to the God of Your Baptism – To read the full text, click “Download” below. Jesus said to His Ministers: “Keep on going into all the World, making all nations into disciples, baptizing them into the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit — teaching […]

Baptism Does Not Regenerate! Calvinism Versus ‘Christening’

Extract from Baptism Does Not Regenerate! Calvinism Versus ‘Christening’ – To read the full text, click “Download” below. Not even Holy Baptism can regenerate a single sinner.  That can only be effected directly by the Holy Spirit of God the Father.  He it is Who cleanses us from all our sins.  He does so only […]

The Antichrist in Scripture: The Popes According to Luther and Calvin

Extract from The Antichrist in Scripture: The Popes According to Luther and Calvin – To read the full work, click “Download” below. The Antichrist!   When would he appear?   Where would he rule?   Who would he be?  How long would he last?    And what would cause his termination? Martin Luther, the great Protestant Reformer, carefully answers […]