Calvin on the Papacy

Excerpt from Calvin on the Papacy – To read the full work, click “Download” below. Rev. Prof. Dr. John Calvin (1509-64) was the greatest of all Protestant Reformers.   He lived and testified and died — during the time of cruel papal tyranny over the Church of Christ. There was no Papacy in the Early Church.   […]

Calvin on the Law

Excerpt from Calvin on the Law – To read the full work, click “Download” below. The great Genevan Protestant, Rev. Prof. Dr. Jean Cauvin (or John Calvin), was almost unquestionably the godliest and also the most erudite lawyer-theologian since the Apostle Paul.   After receiving his M.A. degree Calvin engaged in advanced legal studies. He did […]

Calvin on Man’s Pre-Mosaic Worship of the Triune God

Extract from Calvin on Man’s Pre-Mosaic Worship of the Triune God – To read the full text, click “Download” below. Judaists and Muslims claim Moses and the godly before him worshipped a unitarian god. But Calvin-ists, alias consistent believers in the Holy Bible, assert that not just Moses (Exodus 3:2-16 cf. John 5:45f) but all […]

Calvin on Islam

Excerpt from Calvin on Islam – To read the full text, click “Download” below. The greatest of all Protestant Reformers, was Rev. Prof. Dr. John Calvin (1509-64).   He lived and testified and died — during the time of Islam’s greatest expansion into Eastern Europe. Islam was formulated by Mohammed and his successors from the seventh […]

Calvin on Creation

Excerpt from Calvin on Creation:  Its Inauguration, Continuation, and Consummation – To read the full text, click “Download” below. John Calvin, that greatest of all the Protestant Reformers, faithfully upheld the Triune and Biblical and Church-Historical view of creation.   Indeed, he even put the trinitarian Genesis 1:1 “beginning” before the great global flood of Genesis […]

Let Us Pray (Audio MP3) – Chapters 11-14

Please note:  The full written text of this work can also be accessed on this website – Search:  Let Us Pray. To listen to Chapters 11-14 of this book, click “Download” below. (Chapters 1-5 and Chapters 6-10 are listed separately on this website – Search:  Let Us Pray (Audio – MP3) Chapters 1-5 and Let Us […]

Let Us Pray (Audio MP3) – Chapters 6-10

Please note:  The full written text of this work can also be accessed on this website – Search:  Let Us Pray. To listen to Chapters 6-10 of this book, click “Download” below.  (Chapters 1-5 and Chapters 11-14 are listed separately on this website – Search:  Let Us Pray (Audio – MP3) Chapters 1-5 and Let Us […]

Baby Belief Before Baptism

Synopsis of Baby Belief Before Baptism – Birth After Re-birth:  On the Faith of Prenatal Covenanters Alias the Seed of Faith in Covenant Infants Before They Are Baptized – To read the full text (Parts 1-10), click “Download” below. Well, can babies believe in Jesus? Until born again, no person at all even sees the […]

Biblical View of Human Cloning

Extract from Biblical View of Human Cloning – To read the full text, click “Download” below. Human Genetic Engineering (or HGE) embraces a variety of life-promoting procedures.   All of them purport to “create” or to “improve” the human race in a pre-conception-al setting.   HGE is not concerned with either post-conception-al or post-natal surgery (such as […]

Biblical Principles for Church Architecture

Extract from the Introduction to Biblical Principles for Church Architecture – To read the full text and access diagrams and illustrations (Parts 1-8), click “Download” below. Important indeed are the theological considerations in designing a new church.  Congregations are likely to spend well over a million dollars of the Lord*s money on their new church […]