Ante-Nicene Trinitarianism

Extract from Ante-Nicene Trinitarianism – To read the full text, click “Download” below. DID THE CHURCH GET THE TRINITY FROM PAGANISM AT NICEA IN A.D. 325? It is sometimes suggested by Antitrinitarians that the first Christian Roman Emperor Constantine (r. A.D. 313f), after his “conversion” to Christianity imported his own former tritheistic pagan views into […]

Anabaptists, Baptists, and Their Stepchildren

Extract from the Preface to Anabaptists, Baptists, and Their Stepchildren.  To read the full work (Parts 1-4), click “Download” below. According to both the Holy Bible and the Westminster Standards, being unbaptized or being rebaptized are sins. Too, omitting to have one’s baby baptized, is to break God’s Law. Scripture teaches such three sins are […]

Holy Harvests: Annual Revivals at Whitsuntide through Pentecost Feasts

Extract from the Foreword of Holy Harvests: Annual Revivals at Whitsuntide through Pentecost Feasts especially in Andrew Murray’s South Africa from 1860 to 1990  – To read the full text, click “Download” below. It is very strange that perhaps the chief means of reviving Christ’s Church has often escaped the notice of her friends.  We […]

Always Victorious! The Earliest Church Not Pre- But Postmillennial

Extract from Always Victorious! The Earliest Church Not Pre- But Postmillennial – To read the full text, click “Download” below. Many modern Pretribulationists and other Dispensationalists (such as John Walvoord and Hal Lindsey) claim that most (if not all) of the first Early Church Fathers were Rapturists. Such believe Jesus could return “any moment” to […]

Life and Works: God’s Creation Covenant With Adam

What follows is an extract from Life and Works: God’s Creation Covenant With Adam.  To read the full text, click “Download” below. God graciously made an everlasting Covenant of Life and Works with Adam and all his descendants, against Satan.   By grace and through faith, Adam could  keep and consummate that Covenant to the glory […]

Abraham Kuyper and the Rebirth of True Knowledge

What follows is an extract from Abraham Kuyper and the Rebirth of True Knowledge.  To read the full text, click “Download” below. Today we live in a very explosive world! There are political explosions. For bombs are detonated in post offices and airports, and insurrectionists seek to overthrow governments from Chile to Cambodia. There are […]

What Really Happened? – The Severe Limitations of Most Histories

Extract from What Really Happened? – The Severe Limitations of Most Histories.  To read the full text, click “Download” below. There is no modern history — without its foundation in ancient history.   Indeed, there is no ancient history, at all, without the Bible. Unaided by the historical information contained in the Holy Bible (as the […]

What Does the Book of Revelation Mean?

Extract from the Foreword of What Does the Book of Revelation Mean? – To read the full text, click “Download” below. This small volume, What Does the Book of Revelation Mean?, is a synopsis of the Historicist method of interpreting biblical prophecy through the eyes of Scripture, John Calvin, and the Westminster Assembly Commissioner, the […]

Tiny Human Life (4th ed.)

TINY HUMAN LIFE – WHEN, WHETHER, AND WHERE ? On: Human Ensoulment, Abortion, Natural Reproduction, Artificial Insemination from Donor, Surrogate Human Wombs, Artificial Insemination from Husband, In-vitro Fertilization, Non-human Wombs for Humans, Human Genetic Engineering, Human Recombinant Dioxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) and Human Cloning To read the full work (Parts 1-4), click “Download” below.  

The Sixth Point of Calvinism: Eschato-Ethics

What follows, is an extract from the Introduction of The Sixth Point of Calvinism: Eschato-Ethics alias Dordt Decrees Christian Conquest – The commanded Christian conquest of the cosmos as enjoined in the Dordt Dutch Bible by the 1618-19 international ‘T-U-L-I-P’ Synod of Dordt.  To read the full text, click “Download” below. The great Synod of […]

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