Effective Evangelism

What follows is an extract from the Introduction to this work.  To read the full text, click “Download” below. Evangelism is once again in the crucible of Christian discussion. Uppsala, Urbana and Lausanne are just three of the many recent conferences either actually dedicated (or claiming to be dedicated) to exploring new and more effective […]

Communism Versus Creation

Extract from the Preface of Communism Versus Creation.  To read the full text, click “Download” below. On the completion of this work … my gratitude extends first and foremost to my heavenly Father, the Supreme Philosopher, Whose work in creation and conservation I have here sought to uphold without apology and without compromise against the […]

Catechism for Converting Paedocommunionists

To read the full text, click “Download” below. Here we shall show:  that Paedocommunion is irreconcilable with the Ontological Trinity; with God’s Pre-Mosaic revelations; with the Mosaic Exodus; and with the Post-Exodus Pentateuch.   It is irreconcilable also with God’s revelations from Judges to Jeremiah, and from Ezekiel to Christ’s Advent.   It is irreconcilable with the […]

Common Law: Roots and Fruits (Appendices and Bibliography)

Note:  This section includes the Appendices and Bibliography only of Common Law:  Roots and Fruits.   Each of the ten parts of this definitive work, as well as the Addenda, can be accessed elsewhere on this website. COMMON LAW: ROOTS AND FRUITS – Roots of Common Law in Biblical, Iro-Scotic, Brythonic & English Jurisprudence – and […]

Common Law: Roots and Fruits (Addenda)

Note:  This section includes the Addenda only of Common Law:  Roots and Fruits.   Each of the ten parts of this definitive work, including the Appendices and Bibliography, can be accessed elsewhere on this website. COMMON LAW: ROOTS AND FRUITS – Roots of Common Law in Biblical, Iro-Scotic, Brythonic & English Jurisprudence – and Some of […]

Common Law: Roots and Fruits (Parts 1-10)

To read each of the ten parts of this definitive work, click the “Download” buttons below.  Please note:  Addenda, Appendices and Bibliography are listed elsewhere on this website. COMMON LAW: ROOTS AND FRUITS – Roots of Common Law in Biblical, Iro-Scotic, Brythonic & English Jurisprudence – and Some of their Fruits in Great Britain, the […]

The Roots and Fruits of Islam

Opening lines of the work below.  To read the full text, click “Download”. The 14th century B.C. great Prophet Moses stated the one true God ‘Elohiym was triune (Genesis 1:1-3,26) from all eternity.   Centuries later, the Arabic ancestors of Mohammad claimed he was unitarian ‘al-Lah.

The Sovereignty of God in the Salvation of My Father’s Slayer

What follows, is an extract from a pamphlet written after the author’s encounter with his father’s killer.  To read the full text, click “Download” below. In July 1994, my father (almost 86) was robbed and left for dead in his home. My mother (having lost her mind and the use of some of her bodily […]

Are the Mosaic Laws for Today?

To read the full work, click “Download” below. Are the Mosaic Laws for Today? – Observations on Calvinism and the Westminster Standards Anent the Relationship Between God’s Moral Law of Nature for All Men and Ancient Israel’s Ceremonial and Judicial Laws  God’s Laws from Calvin through American Presbyterianism Distinction and Interrelationship of Various Mosaic Laws […]

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