Advance: The History of Victory Theology from B.C. 4004 to A.D. 2002f

Excerpt from Advance: The History of Victory Theology from B.C. 4004 to A.D. 2002f – To read the full work (Introduction and Parts 1-4), please click the “Download” links below. … God has thus far shaken up His World in judgment after judgment, down throughout history.   All is tending toward that future time when Christ […]

Christ’s Great Commission and Infant Salvation

Excerpt from Christ’s Great Commission and Infant Salvation – To read the full text, click “Download” below. We need to look at Christ’s Great Commission.   Just before He gave it, covenant children (paidas) had been praising Jesus.   He Himself had then insisted that God had perfected His praise — even out of the mouth of […]

God’s Methods for Christianizing Our Modern World

Excerpt from God’s Methods for Christianizing Our Modern World – To read the full text, click “Download” below. God has not left us in the dark as to how to overcome Anabaptist (and all other deleterious) influences even in our modern World!   Those methods are:  firstly, the powerful preaching of the Gospel; secondly, the ‘improving’ […]

God Triune in the Holy Bible (3rd ed.)

Excerpt from God Triune in the Holy Bible (3rd ed.) – To read the full work, click “Download” below. “In the beginning, God Triune created….   And the Spirit of God Triune kept on moving…. And God [as the Father, in His Spirit] spoke forth [His Son-Word]….   And God Triune said: ‘Let Us make mankind!”1     So […]

God Triune in the Beginning – and for the 21st Century

Excerpt from God Triune in the Beginning – and for the 21st Century – To read the full text, click “Download” below. In Genesis 1:1, “God” translates ‘Elohiym (PLURAL) — meaning: three or more Gods. It is used with the singular verb bara’ — meaning: “He did create” (and NOT with the plural verb baru’ […]

God Saw That it was Good in Genesis 1

Extract from God Saw That it was Good in Genesis 1 – To read the full text, click “Download” below. The expression “God saw…that it was good” is found six times in Genesis one.   First, re the first day of formation, at Genesis 1:4 — but not at all re the second day at Genesis […]

God Didn’t Die on the Cross

Extract from God Didn’t Die on the Cross: Calvinism on Westminster Confession of Faith 8:7 & Larger Catechism 39 – To read the full text, click “Download” below. The famous Scottish Theologian Dr. Robert Shaw once wrote an excellent book on Calvinism titled The Reformed Faith. It bears the sub-title: An Exposition of the Westminster […]

God and Science in the Light of Genesis 1-9

Excerpt of God and Science in the Light of Genesis 1-9 – To read the full work, click “Download” below. Has our universe always existed from all eternity?   Did it once upon a time evolve from eternally pre-existing matter?   Or was it anciently created? Did our world come into existence only 144 hours before man […]

From Circumcision to Baptism

Excerpt of From Circumcision to Baptism: Biblical Refutation of the Baptismal Views of Baptists and Anabaptists – To read the full work, click “Download” below. In Holy Scripture,  there is indeed adult baptism — as well as infant baptism.   Yet both -not by saturating from below, but solely by sprinkling from above.   However, there is […]