The Works of

Rev. Prof. Dr. F.N. Lee

The Sixth Point of Calvinism: Eschato-Ethics

In those “Five Points of Calvinism” — summarized by the acronym ‘T.U.L.I.P.’ — Dordt decreed that man’s salvation is not of man but of God alone. For ‘T.U.L.I.P.’ teaches: the Total depravity of fallen men; the Unconditional election of the believers by God the Father; the Limited or effective atonement performed by the Lord Jesus Christ; the Irresistible grace by which the Holy Spirit saves; and the Perseverance of the saints unto salvation by the power of the Almighty Triune God working on them and for them and in them and through them.

However, the Synod of Dordt decreed not only the “Five Points” of Calvinism. Like Calvin earlier, also Dordt decreed the Christians’ conquest of the World from the tyranny of the Antichrist through what we call the Sixth Point of Calvinism — S: Eschato-Ethics. Hence not: ‘T.U.L.I.P.’ – but: ‘T.U.L.I.P.S.

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