The Works of

Rev. Prof. Dr. F.N. Lee

Tongues at Corinth: Languages, not Ecstasies!



Results of (Neo-)Pentecostal abuse of I Cor. 14:13-14

The above (Neo-)Pentecostal misinterpretation of I Cor. 14:13-14, is thoroughly unscriptural! Sadly, it is also a most dangerous aberration. For it reduces (Neo-)Pentecostalistic ‘tongues-speaking’ almost to the level of spirit-istic medium-ism at forbidden seances! Could this not often be demonic? I Tim. 4:1-2 & I John 4:1-6. Indeed, even Neo-Pentecostalist Oral Roberts states that one “exercising a gift of tongues is really possessed….” Op. cit., pp 48 & 55-57. Compare: Deut. 18:10-12; I Sam. 28:7-20; Isa. 8:19-20; 29:4.

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