The First General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church

Extract from The First General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church – To read the full work, click “Download” below. Around 49 A.D., at the First General Assembly of some Presbyters of Christ’s Church delegated by their Congregations and/or their Presbyteries, Peter again reminded the Elders (and also other of the brethren in attendance) about what had […]

Everlasting Rest: Sabbaths Old and New

Extract and overview of Everlasting Rest: Sabbaths Old and New – The Lord’s Day Covenant Till the Unending Day of Glory – to read the full work, click “Download” below. After God Triune created the Universe out of nothing, He formed our Earth in six days. Then He rested on His Seventh Day throughout world […]

Did God Die on Calvary?

Extract from Did God Die on Calvary? – To read the full text, click “Download” below. Did God die when Christ, Who is God, died on the cross? Does God Himself have blood, and did He suffer pain when Christ shed His blood for the expiation of the sins of His elect?

Did the Church Get the Trinity from Paganism at Nicea in A.D. 325?

Extract from Did the Church Get the Trinity from Paganism at Nicea in A.D. 325? – To read the full work, click “Download” below. It is sometimes suggested by Antitrinitarians that the first Christian Roman Emperor Constantine (r. A.D. 313f), after his “conversion” to Christianity imported his own former tritheistic pagan views into the Church […]

Creation and Commission: Genesis 1-3 Translation and Commentary

Brief edited extract from opening lines of Creation and Commission:  Genesis 1-3 Translation and Commentary – To read the full text with annotated footnotes, click “Download” below. 1:1 God-Triune created [the Tri-Universe alias] the two Heavens and the Earth at the beginning. 1:2 Then, the unshaped Earth was empty. And darkness was upon the surface […]

The Congruency of ‘Johannine’ and Christ-ian Baptism

Extract from The Congruency of ‘Johannine’ and Christ-ian Baptism – To read the rest of the text, click “Download” below. Rev. Dr. James Buchanan was sometime Professor of Systematic Theology at the Free Church College in Scotland’s Edinburgh.   In his famous book The Office and Work of the Holy Spirit, he states: “There are many […]

Christocracy and the Divine Savior’s Law for All Mankind

Extract from Christocracy and the Divine Savior’s Law for All Mankind – To read the full text, click “Download” below. Jesus Christ is the incarnation of the Word or the central Person of the Trinity,and the Triune Father-Son-Spirit has always been in harmony with Himself.[1] He is all of His attributes: because He is all […]

Christians Overcome Papacy and Islam (Parts 1 & 2)

Extract from the Introduction to Christians Overcome Papacy and Islam – To read the full work (Parts 1 and 2), please click “Download” below. In the beginning, God Triune created Heaven and Earth.   Genesis 1:1.   They were created by the Triune God.   Not by the vicarious Romish Pope, nor by the unitarian Islam’s Allah … […]

How Christ-ians Shall Destroy the Antichrist

Excerpt from How Christ-ians Shall Destroy the Antichrist – To read the full text, click “Download” below. From Corinth, Paul wrote his Second Epistle to the Christians in Thessalonica.  Since he had left them, many had backslidden from his own solid and Biblical Postmillennialism. They had lapsed into screwball Quasi-Zoroastrian Premillennialism.   Indeed, they had falsely […]