Catabaptism in the Presbyterian Church in America

Context of the work:  Catabaptism in the Presbyterian Church in America (excerpted from Dr Lee’s 1990 dissertation Rebaptism Impossible! – To read the full excerpt, click “Download” below. The PCA (Presbyterian Church in America) is this present writer’s former denomination.   Before the 1982 merger with the anticatabaptist RPCUS, the larger PCA was a mixture of […]

Calvinist Critique of 2003 Auburn Affirmation – Refutation of the Hypercovenantal Sacramentology of Reverend S. Wilkins

Overview of Calvinist Critique of 2003 Auburn Affirmation – Refutation of the Hypercovenantal Sacramentology of Reverend S. Wilkins – To read the full text, click “Download” below. Back in the 1990s, Auburn Avenue P.C.A. Monroe Louisiana’s Rev. Steve Wilkins, taped eight of his sermons — proposing that also baptized but unconfirmed young children should manducate […]

Calvinism on the Holy Spirit

Extract from Calvinism on the Holy Spirit: John Calvin on the constant need to keep on being filled with the Spirit – To read the full work, click “Download” below. The great Genevan, Rev. Prof. Dr. John Calvin — was the Theologian of the Holy Spirit.  Calvin unswervingly held that God the Holy Spirit has […]

Calvin’s View of Life: The Meaning of All Existence to John Calvin

Extract from Calvin’s View of Life: The Meaning of All Existence to John Calvin – To read the full work, click “Download” below. “God [the Father], by the power of His Word and His Spirit, created the Heavens and the Earth out of nothing.”   Thus begins the famous Christian Theologian John Calvin’s view of life […]

Calvin’s Mode of Baptism

Extract from Calvin’s Mode of Baptism – To read the full text, click “Download” below. Most Baptists seem oblivious of Calvin’s 20th April 1556 Sermon on Deuteronomy 30:6. There, he clearly declared:1 “In Baptism…the water is poured upon the head of a little child…. We indeed do baptize with water….   The Minister lays the water […]

Calvin Versus Idolatry

Extract from Calvin Versus Idolatry – To read the full text, click “Download” below. “We know that the Son of God has come, and has given us an understanding so that we may know Him Who is true [viz. God the Father]; and we [Christians] are…in His Son Jesus [viz. the Spirit-anointed] Christ.   This is […]

Calvin Versus Child Communion

This is an excerpt from Dr. Lee’s expanded Ed. D dissertation:  Catechism Before Communion! – Why all true Calvinists must reject the eucharizing of uncatechized pre-adolescent covenant children.  To read the full excerpt, click “Download” below.

Calvin on Worship

Extract from Calvin on Worship – To read the full text, click “Download” below. Judaists and Muslims claim Moses and the godly before him worshipped a unitarian god. Nevertheless Calvinists, alias consistent believers in the Holy Bible, assert that not just Moses (Exodus 3:2-16 cf. John 5:45f) but all prior Patriarchs also from Adam to […]

Calvin on the Weekly Christian Sabbath

Extract from Calvin on the Weekly Christian Sabbath – To read the full text, click “Download” below. In his Institutes, Calvin grounds the Lord’s day in the weekly Sabbath. Against Rome, he insists that the ordinance of the Sabbath was not instituted merely at Sinai and solely for the Hebrews. To the contrary, he insists […]

Calvin on the Validity of “Romish” Baptism

Extract from Calvin on the Validity of “Romish” Baptism – To read the full work, click “Download” below. Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as ‘Roman Catholic’ baptism.   Neither, for that matter, is there any such entity as ‘Baptist’ baptism — as if that were something different from what some might perhaps (though erroneously) […]