The Works of

Rev. Prof. Dr. F.N. Lee

Baby Belief Before Baptism

In chapter II, we examine the teaching of baby belief in the Ante-Nicene Church. Did the Early Church Fathers teach that covenant infants were to be baptized? Did they assume their prenatal regeneratedness?

In chapter III, we take a look at baby belief from Nicea to the Reformation. When did the doctrine of baptismal regenerationism first take root? Was baptism always regarded as essential for salvation — ere the epoch-making ‘Copernican revolution’ of Zwingli?

In chapter IV, we examine the views of Calvin on baby belief before baptism. What did he say about the presumed regeneratedness of covenant infants prenatally? Did he regard them as needing baptism after their birth? What did he think of baptismal regenerationism?

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