The Works of

Rev. Prof. Dr. F.N. Lee

Tongues at Corinth: Languages, not Ecstasies!

The Westminster Confession (21:3m) refers to this text I Cor. 14:14. It does so to prove that “prayer is by God required…to be made…, if vocal, in a known tongue” — alias a humanly recognized language.



(Neo-)Pentecostal Misinterpretation of I Corinthians 14:13-14

Both Pentecostalists and Neo-Pentecostalists claim Paul here means the following: “Whenever I pray supernaturally in a tongue or ecstatic utterance, it is really the Holy Spirit down within me Who is then doing the praying! It is not my own conscious understanding which is doing the praying at that particular time. No, at that particular moment — my own understanding is quite ‘un-fruitful’ and uncomprehending!

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