The Works of

Rev. Prof. Dr. F.N. Lee

Tongues at Corinth: Languages, not Ecstasies!

Again, the verse does not say: ‘Let the sound-utterer pray that someone else present may try to explain his utterances.’ No! Instead, the verse actually says: ‘Let the foreign language-speaker [before speaking publically, first] pray that he [himself] might be enabled to translate” what he could say, into the language of his listeners!



Refutation of (Neo-)Pentecostal misuse of I Cor. 14:14

Similarly, even the next verse, I Cor. 14:14, does not at all teach what (Neo-)Pentecostalists claim it does! For, firstly, the verse does not say: ‘Whenever I pray in ecstatic utterances, it is really the Holy Spirit Who is praying [through me].’ No! Instead, the verse actually says: “If I pray in a foreign language — my [own] spirit is praying.”

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