The Works of

Rev. Prof. Dr. F.N. Lee

Tongues at Corinth: Languages, not Ecstasies!

Of all the Early Church Fathers, Tertullian alone misunderstood these ‘real language gifts’ in Corinth — as if they were ecstatic utterances. Indeed, even Tertullian took this view –only in the second or Semi-Montanist phase of his three periods of doctrinal understanding (or misunderstanding).

According to Augustine, Tertullian later repudiated his sympathies toward the semi-pagan ecstatic utterances of the Semi-Montanists, and again became orthodox. See Aug.: On Heresies 6; Schaff: History of the Christian Church, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 1970 ed., II p 421 & n 1; Gromacki: The Modern Tongues Movement, Presb. & Ref. Pub. Co., Philadelphia, 1967, p 14. On Montanism in general, and especially on its (semi-)pagan roots, see my booklet Pentecostalism: New Outpouring or Ancient Heresy?, Commonwealth, Rowlett Texas, 1986, especially pp 27f.

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