The Works of

Rev. Prof. Dr. F.N. Lee

Tongues at Corinth: Languages, not Ecstasies!

Even in I Cor. 14:15, there is no way a man could ‘pray with the understanding’ or ‘pray with the mind’ (tooi noi), without at the same time being engaged to ‘pray with his own spirit.’ For “the body without the spirit, is dead.” Jas. 2:26. In Corinth, the one praying and speaking in his own foreign tongue “gave thanks well” — or perfectly understood what he himself was saying. But the “unlearned” listener could not comprehendingly say ‘Amen!’ For the listener, being “unlearned” in the tongue being spoken in, did not and could not understand what the praying person was saying. I Cor. 14:16-17.

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