The Works of

Rev. Prof. Dr. F.N. Lee

Tongues at Corinth: Languages, not Ecstasies!

“It is indeed said that words may touch the feelings which [words] do not convey any distinct notions to the mind. But we cannot say ‘Amen!’ to such words [and mean it] — any more than we can [truthfully say ‘Amen!’] to a flute. Such blind, emotional ‘worship’ — if such it can be called — stands at a great remove from the intelligent service demanded by the Apostle!”

Even if none of the listeners understood a worshipper praying or singing publically in his own untranslated foreign tongue — that worshipper himself, said Paul, would nevertheless be praising God satisfactorily on his own behalf (and in his own foreign tongue which he himself understands). For he himself would indeed be “giving thanks well” — or, himself, “understanding perfectly.” I Cor. 14:17. However, he should not have prayed or sung in that foreign tongue publically, without a translator!

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