The Works of

Rev. Prof. Dr. F.N. Lee

25 Theses for a 21st Century Reformation


24. Such Christians as claim that the Lord has called them to be Preachers, should remember that they are to be servants of God (I Cor. 4:1-10), and are not to lord over the flock of “Laymen” like Protestant “Popes” (I Pet. 5). They should clearly distinguish between evangelism of the unsaved and the edification of the saved. Many Christian laymen are of a starvation diet in their churches. They are sick and tired of being treated by their Pastors as if they were still unsaved. They long for the pure meat of the Word (I Pet. 2) — but all they get is milk, baby-food (Heb. 6). Perhaps this is because their “full-time” Pastors do not really believe that the preaching ministry is quite as holy as they claim it is. If they really did believe this, surely they would prepare their sermons in the sweat of their face, and then preach those sermons as if it were the last thing in the world they are doing before going to the judgment throne of Christ. The Church needs Preachers who can wake the dead and make the living tremble! Preachers who are pleasers of men — even of saved men — are an abomination to the Lord! One Luther and one Calvin truly called by God to preach, achieved more than thousands of mealy-mouthed pulpit fools before and after them. Today, we would achieve far more than we do by using only one-tenth of the Preachers we have, by using the real Preachers we have, and sending the other nine-tenths back into the other professions such as economics and politics where they belong, and where the Lord needs them.

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