Our Daily Family Worship (A Personal Testimony)

Excerpt from Our Daily Family Worship (A Personal Testimony) – To read the full work, click “Download” below. George Jameson, the great-grandfather of this present writer, was a very fiery preacher.   However, after his tragic death, his children (including Elizabeth Jameson Lee) drifted away from the Lord.   So too did her children, including my own […]

Mount Sinai and the Sermon on the Mount

Excerpt from Mount Sinai and the Sermon on the Mount – To read the full work, click “Download” below. In this present study, we show that the Sermon on the Mount is itself essentially Jehovah-Jesus’ inspired “paraphrase” of His Own ancient Decalogue as previously published by Him to Moses on Mount Sinai. For in His […]

More Than One Archangel? Who is “The Angel of the Lord”?

Extract from More Than One Archangel? Who is “The Angel of the Lord”? – To read the full text, click “Download” below. It’s time to revise many apocryphal “Christmas cards” (sic)!   According to Holy Scripture, there are not several archangels all of whom are creatures – but only one Archangel alias Leader of the created […]

Man’s Origin and Destiny

Excerpt from the Foreword of Man’s Origin and Destiny – To read the full work, click “Download” below. This writing is an update of my 1974 book The Origin and Destiny of Man.   These were lectures originally written for delivery at the (N.C.) Warren Wilson College, for the Christian Studies Center of Memphis (Tenn.).   The […]

Luther’s Jenseitige Eschatology

Extract from Luther’s Jenseitige Eschatology – To read the full text, click “Download” below. Jenseitig!   Unlike the theologically-impoverished English language, German has a fine word to describe “the life hereafter” alias “the life after death.” Jenseitig — “on the other side of”; or “hereafter in the next life.”   And that, notwithstanding the paucity of German […]

Luther on Islam and the Papacy

Extract from Luther on Islam and the Papacy – To read the full work, click “Download” below. The pioneer Protestant Reformer Rev. Prof. Dr. Martin Luther (1483-1546) … lived at a time when the Papacy had corrupted the whole of the Western Church.   At the same time, Islam was swallowing up much of what was […]

Luther and Lutheranism’s Anti-rebaptistic Anti-Anabaptism

Extract from Luther and Lutheranism’s Anti-rebaptistic Anti-Anabaptism – To read the full work, click “Download” below. In his own work Concerning Rebaptism (1528), Luther thrashes the Anabaptists.   They had over-emphasized the subjective and downgraded the objective side of baptism.   Yet, Luther retorted, important as faith is — it is the Word, and not faith, which […]

Luther on God’s Law

Extract from Luther on God’s Law – To read the full work, click “Download” below. “After God had made all other creatures, He created man…with righteousness and true holiness after His image, having the Law of God written in their hearts (Genesis 1:26; Colossians 3:10; Ephesians 4:24; Romans 2:14-15)….   God gave to Adam a Law […]

Culture in Biblical Perspective (Outline)

Author’s contextual statement and outline for Culture in Biblical Perspective – To read the extended outline, click “Download” below. This is a 1976 chronological outline for an expansion of my article Kultuur en Godsdiens and my books Calvin on the Sciences and Man’s Origin and Destiny and The Central Significance of Culture – after the […]