The Works of

Rev. Prof. Dr. F.N. Lee

Brothers Because of Bloodshed

With my very best wishes. (Dr.) N. Lee 28/7/1998

TO: Rev. Prof. Dr. F.N. Lee,

3 Kenya Street, Wavell Heights,


FROM: Mr. Cornelius Witbooi,

Reg. No. 94714995, Brandvlei Med. A.,

Private Bag X3064, Worcester 6850,



21st January, 1999

Dear friend,

I greet you in the Name of the Almighty. By the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, I am thankful to be able to write to you again. My friend in Jesus, I am grateful for a friend like you. My friend, I am sorry and ask your forgiveness for ignoring you for so long.

It is according to the will of God that I can indeed still write to you and say that things are going well with me, only that my health is no longer so good. I got a sickness in the jail, from which I am still suffering. Help me to ask for healing, for I wonder whether my prayers have enough power, and whether my faith is too weak. So, my friend, pray to Jesus for me — and I too will get down on my knees and ask for help for my soul.

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