This, then, is my God-given faith, dear reader. May the Lord Himself grant, by His great grace, that it may also become yours too!
— Dr. Francis Nigel Lee
Author of the publications: About Sunday; Abraham Kuyper and the Rebirth of True Knowledge; A Christian Introduction to the History of Philosophy; Antichrist in Scripture; Are the Mosaic Laws for Today?; Baby Belief Before Baptism!; Biblical Christianity versus Unbiblical Pacifism; Biblical Principles for Church Architecture; Biblical Private Property versus Socialistic Common Property; Calvin on Creation; Calvin on the Sciences; Calvin on the Weekly Sabbath; Catechism Before Communion!; Catechizing Toward Revival!; Christian Philosophy in Twentieth Century North America; Christocracy and the Divine Savior’s Law for All Mankind; Communism (A Christian Evaluation); Communism versus Christianity; Communism versus Creation; Communist Eschatology; Creation and Commission; Culture (A Philosophical and Theological Analysis); Daily Family Worship; Dr. John Owen Re-Presbyterianized; Effective Evangelism; Have You Been Neglecting Your Baby?; John Calvin (True Presbyterian); Keys of Revival in the Modern Church; Materialism, Idealism and Calvinism; Lee vs. Jordan on Paidocommunion; May Christians Ever Go to Law?; Matthew Henry’s Covenantal Home Life; Missions as the Heart of the Church’s Calling; Mount Sinai and the Sermon on the Mount; Nationality and the Bible; On Common Law; Origin and Destiny of Man; Pentecostalism (New Outpouring or Ancient Heresy?); Philosophy and the Bible; Principles for Church Discipline; Rebaptism Impossible!; Revealed to Babies!; Revival and Daily Family Worship; Revival Through ‘Prophesying’; Should the Preacher be the Only Elder to Rule in the Congregation?; South Africa’s ‘Total Depravity’; Sprinkling Is Scriptural!; Ten Commandments Today!; The Anabaptists and Their Stepchildren; The Basic Ideas of Communism and How They Are Propagated; The Biblical Theory of Christian Education; The Central Significance of Culture; The Christian Afrikaners; The Christian Manifesto of 1984; The Covenantal Sabbath; The Eldership (I-II); The Family Fabric; The Fascination History of Early Britain; The Ministry of the Word; The Office of Deacon; The Sabbath in the Bible; The Salvation of the Early-Dying Infants of Infidels; The Westminster Confession and Modern Society; Toward a Biblical Philosophy; Toward a Biblical Theology; What About Baptism?; What Really Happened (The Severe Limitations of Most Histories); What Saith the Scriptures About Race and Nation?; What Sunday is Really All About; Will Christ or Satan Win This World? — and of many unpublished writings.