Truly, God’s ways are wonderful! For He, through His servants, did “turn the heart of the fathers back to the children — and the heart of the children back to their fathers.” Malachi 4:6. May He do the same for you too!
You have also been reading something about the life of my father’s murderer, and his family. What a marvellous God we worship — Who gave me the grace to lead not only my own parents back to the Lord, but also my father’s murderer and later even the latter’s parents!
These two families — one White, and the other Coloured — would never have met at all, but for the death of my father Mr. Syd Lee. More importantly, but for the death of Jesus, these two families and all of their members — Mr. and Mrs. Syd Lee, their son Dr. Nigel Lee, his wife Mrs. Nellie Lee, their daughters Misses Johanna and Anna Lee; and Mr. & Mrs. Kerneels Claassen and their child Cornelius Witbooi — would still be going to Hell. They are now brothers and sisters of one another and all on their way to Heaven through bloodshed: through the shed blood of our great Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ!